Quotes from the Movie Meet the Parents

Trust me, Greg, when you start having little Fockers running around, you'll feel the need for this type of security.

Jack Byrnes

All right, now look, Focker, I'm a patient man. That's what 13 months in a Vietnamese prison camp will do to you. But I will be watching you, studying your every move. And if I find that you are trying to corrupt my firstborn child, I will bring you down, baby. I will bring you down to Chinatown.

Jack Byrnes

Jesus, Focker. It's just a game.

Jack Byrnes

Have you ever watched...pornographic...videos?

Jack Byrnes

We're supposed to let him wander the streets without food, water or toilet?

Jack Byrnes

I'd better get upstairs...and pay a little visit to the shower fairy.

Gaylord Greg Focker

Sorry, folks. Had to pay a little visit to the urinal fairy.

Gaylord Greg Focker

Hello, Jack. Oh, look at that. Nice Jack. Hi. What's that, Jack? What? You're a big, bad C.I.A. man, huh? Did they teach you that(karate chops in front of the camera) in the C.I.A.? They teach you that? Oh, yeah. What's that, Jack? What? Yeah, you thought Puff was just the name of the boy's magical dragon? Uh-huh. Not too quick on the uptake, huh, Jack? Why don't you ask Denny who's puffin' the magic dragon? Not onto that one, huh? Surprising for a big C.I.A. pulse detector. Ooh. Hey, hey, check my pulse on this question, Jack. Do I think you're a psycho? Yes. What? Oh, you like my little gift? What? The Jerusalem what? What? I can't hear you. Jerusalem toodle-oo-poosey, poosley-loo? What? What? Oh, you don't know shit about flowers. What's that? You want me to what? You have another question? Sure. I got one question for you. It's can you deal with that!?

Gaylord Greg Focker

I can't resist a man in nurse's shoes.

Pam Byrnes
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